Northern Ireland

Aaron Brady to be sentenced over murder of Det Garda Adrian Donohoe

Aaron Brady will be sentenced on Wednesday
Aaron Brady will be sentenced on Wednesday

SPECIAL arrangements have been made for the sentencing of Aaron Brady at the Central Criminal Court in Dublin tomorrow to enable Gardaí in Dundalk and others to watch the proceedings remotely.

Brady was found guilty of the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe on August 11. The 29-year-old with a last address at New Road, Crossmaglen, Co Armagh is expected to be sentenced to the mandatory term which carries a minimum term of 40 years.

Brady was also convicted of involvement in the robbery of €7,000 at Lordship Credit Union in Bellurgen, Co Louth on January 25, 2013. He will be sentenced for this offence separately.

Lorcan Staines SC, for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), applied to trial judge Mr Justice Michael White for an overflow court to be permitted for the sentence hearing. The judge acceded to the application and arranged for the hearing to take place in Court 17 with a live feed into a second court in the Criminal Courts of Justice.

Furthermore, Mr Justice White gave permission for gardaí from Dundalk Garda Station and two other parties in the UK and Spain to view the proceedings remotely.

There has been a quadrupling of the use of video link technology between the courts and other places since the Covid-19 pandemic began.