Northern Ireland

Woman is first person in north charged with breaching new coronavirus regulations

The woman is the first person in the north to be charged with breaching coronavirus regulations
The woman is the first person in the north to be charged with breaching coronavirus regulations

A WOMAN who is the first person in Northern Ireland to be charged with breaching new coronavirus regulations is due in court this morning.

The woman, 46, has been charged with allegedly breaching the regulations in Strabane.

She is accused of breaching a prohibition notice and contravening a requirement under the Health Protection Regulations NI 2020.

The woman is the first person in the north to be prosecuted under the legislation.

She is due to appear at Magistrates Court in Derry today.

On Thursday, the Stormont Executive imposed new restrictions in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area after the area recorded one of the highest Covid-19 infection rates in the UK.

The measures, which are set to last a fortnight, include hospitality businesses being limited to deliveries, takeaways and outdoor dining and a call for people to avoid unnecessary travel in and out of the council area.

Altnagelvin Hospital has also suspended some services in order to place more resources into dealing with coronavirus cases.