Northern Ireland

Missing woman Lisa Faulkner found alive in Cavehill area following search

Missing woman Lisa Faulkner was found alive on Friday night during a multi-agency search in the Cave Hill of Belfast. The 41-year-old had been missing for three days 
Missing woman Lisa Faulkner was found alive on Friday night during a multi-agency search in the Cave Hill of Belfast. The 41-year-old had been missing for three days 

An east Belfast woman who was missing for a number of days sparking search operations has been found alive.

Lisa Faulkner had last been seen in the Lomond Avenue area at 9.15am on Wednesday January 29.

A number of appeals had been made for information about her whereabouts.

It was revealed on Friday that the 41-year-old had been found alive in the Cavehill area.

It is believed Ms Faulkner was then transported to hospital where she is receiving treatment.

It is understood she was found by police and members of the Community Rescue Service.