Northern Ireland

House of Representatives resolution reaffirms support for the Good Friday Agreement

The House of Representatives resolution urges the UK and the EU to ensure that Brexit does not threaten peace in Ireland
The House of Representatives resolution urges the UK and the EU to ensure that Brexit does not threaten peace in Ireland

THE US House of Representatives has introduced a resolution reaffirming support for the Good Friday Agreement.

The bipartisan bill is co-sponsored by Republican Congressman Peter King and his Democratic counterpart Thomas Suozzi.

The resolution urges the UK and the EU to ensure that Brexit does not threaten peace on the island of Ireland and strongly opposes the imposition of a hard border.

It also notes that any trade agreements between the US and Britain are contingent on meeting the Good Friday Agreement's obligations.

Congressman Suozzi said Ireland was one of the US's oldest and closest friends.

"We need to ensure that Brexit and other political challenges don’t threaten the peace process by reintroducing a hard border," he said.

A similar resolution opposing the return of a hard border was introduced in the US House of Representatives in January.

A number of senior members of the US Congress, include the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, have warned that they will oppose any US-UK trade deal that undermines the 1998 peace accord.