Northern Ireland

Former Northern Ireland police officer among those advising family of missing teenager, Nora Quoirin

Former Northern Ireland detective, Jim Gamble is among those advising the Quoirin family as searches for their 15-year-old daughter, Nora continue in Malaysia
Former Northern Ireland detective, Jim Gamble is among those advising the Quoirin family as searches for their 15-year-old daughter, Nora continue in Malaysia

A FORMER Northern Ireland police detective is among those advising the family of Nora Quoirin.

Jim Gamble, who is the former chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, a police unit affiliated to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, was contacted for advice by a member of Nora's family.

Mr Gamble described the Quoirin family as feeling "devastated" and "anxious beyond belief" as searches for the 15-year-old continue.

The former police officer, who carried outside the scoping review into the disappearance of Madeline McCann, said there are three possibilities as to what has happened Nora including her walking off and getting lost, being harmed by someone or falling victim to an opportunistic abduction.

Family of missing Nora Quoirin (15) in Malaysia believe she was abducted

"Children go missing all the time and they generally and thankfully return home but that's kids going missing in proximity of their homes," said Mr Gamble, who is now the chief executive of the Ineqe Safeguarding Group.

Nora Quoirin (15) who has been missing in Malaysia since Sunday
Nora Quoirin (15) who has been missing in Malaysia since Sunday

"Ultimately, the cases of children go missing abroad are so rare that we tend to know the names of all of them.

"I have spoken with the family. The family are at the heart of this. They live in London, they were on holiday somewhere which borders a jungle. Whilst that can be fantastic for holiday, when something like this happens, it adds to the level of anxiety".

He said the complex consisted of seven holiday units, where 20 guests, who may have mobile footage, are staying.

He said Malaysian police "need to consider" all three potential scenarios.

He said hoped everybody was putting ego and politics "to one side" to help the family.

"I am reassured talking to family that there are lots of resources from police doing structured work with regards to missing side of the search," he said.

"These cases are so rare that very few police forces have significant levels of experience in this.

"I hope the authorities, if they feel it would be helpful, are able to get access to the best technical and operational resources available to them".

Mr Gamble said he hoped the Irish consulate "are talking to their counterparts in the UK" to ensure, if needed, direct access was given to the National Crime Agency.

The former RUC officer said the Quoirin family are "anxious beyond belief".

"They will be desperate for information so I hope they are getting frequent updates from the authorities in Malaysia. You want to maintain hope and remain positive," he said.

"They reached out and contacted me because I’m in Ireland and I've got experience of these types of cases. I will give them any advice I can while they are going through this time. I will do whatever I can for the family. She needs to get the attention that she needs until the situation is resolved".