Northern Ireland

Hottest Easter Monday on record, Met Office says

Sizzling on a packed Portstewart strand in Co-Derry on Easter Monday as temperatures hit 23 degrees on the Causeway coast. Picture Margaret McLaughlin  22-4-2019 ©.
Sizzling on a packed Portstewart strand in Co-Derry on Easter Monday as temperatures hit 23 degrees on the Causeway coast. Picture Margaret McLaughlin 22-4-2019 ©.

NORTHERN Ireland has recorded its warmest Easter Monday on record, the Met Office has said.

Many made the most of the last day of the bank holiday weekend, packing beaches and parks to soak up the spring sunshine.

The top temperature in the north yesterday was 21.4C in Armagh, beating the previous high of 21.1C in Co Fermanagh in 1984.

It came a day after Northern Ireland also beat a 95-year-old Easter Sunday record when the mercury hit 21C at Helen's Bay, Co Down.

The previous record was set in 1924 in Armagh, when the temperature reached 19.4C.

The Met Office also said records were broken in all UK regions - 25C in England, with top temperatures in Scotland and Wales reaching 23.6C and 23.5C respectively.

Met Office forecaster Marco Petagna said: "We have got high pressure moving at the moment giving most of the UK a lot of fine weather, this combined with the fact that the high pressure has dominated for the past few days is allowing the temperatures to heat and build."