Northern Ireland

Appeal after burglary in east Belfast

Police received a report of a burglary at about 8pm on Sunday
Police received a report of a burglary at about 8pm on Sunday

AN elderly woman was left badly shaken after a masked man entered her home and used force to take her handbag.

The PSNI is investigating the burglary in Madrid Street in east Belfast on Sunday.

Police received a report shortly after 8pm that a masked man had entered a house and used force to take a handbag from the female occupant.

While the woman, aged in her seventies, was not physically injured, she was left badly shaken.

The suspect is described as being tall, of thin build and was wearing a dark jacket and what was described a a "scary" mask.

Sinn Féin councillor Mairead O'Donnell said there was "no place for this vile behaviour in our society".

"It was a disgusting incident and the community in the Short Strand are genuinely shocked about what has happened," she said.