Northern Ireland

Man claims he was with married woman at time of police pursuit

Alan Thompson (32) was granted High Court bail on charges of driving while disqualified, dangerous driving and failing to stop for police
Alan Thompson (32) was granted High Court bail on charges of driving while disqualified, dangerous driving and failing to stop for police

A driver allegedly "taunted" police after crossing into the Republic during a pursuit near the border, the High Court has heard.

Prosecutors claimed Alan Thompson flashed his lights at officers after driving erratically and narrowly missing a group of people outside a Co Tyrone bar.

Thompson denies involvement in the incident, claiming he was with an unnamed married woman at the time.

The 32-year-old labourer, of no fixed abode in the Castlederg area, is charged with driving while disqualified and two counts each of dangerous driving and failing to stop for police.

During a bail application Crown lawyer Mark Farrell alleged Thompson was behind the wheel of a pick-up truck observed by a police patrol in Strabane late on December 2.

He said the vehicle took off, mounting a pavement and just missing patrons of a nearby pub, and police followed until it crossed a bridge into Lifford, Co Donegal.

It was claimed officers spotted it for a second time on the Listymore Road in Castlederg as they travelled to an address linked to Thompson.

Mr Farrell claimed the driver ignored sirens, swerving erratically into the middle of the road, with police backing off amid concerns for public safety.

According to the prosecution Thompson again crossed into the Republic, stopping just 300 metres over the border and flashing his indicator lights.

"The police view is that the applicant was taunting them, saying 'You can't get me'," Mr Farrell said.

Thompson was arrested three days later, but denied being the driver.

"He gave an alibi, saying he was with a married woman," Mr Farrell said.

Defence counsel Craig Patton said Thompson has not yet provided her name due to her marital status.

"It's hopeful she will make a statement outlining that they were in town, they had some drinks and went back to her house," he said.

Granting bail, the judge ordered lodgement of a £5,000 cash surety being offered by Thompson's boss.

The accused must also abide by a curfew, electronic monitoring and alcohol ban.