Northern Ireland

Body of woman recovered from Strabane river feared to be missing Lesley McHugh

Lesley McHugh has not been in contact with family since Saturday January 6 
Lesley McHugh has not been in contact with family since Saturday January 6 

THE body of a woman has been recovered from the River Foyle in Strabane.

The woman, thought to be mother-of-three Lesley McHugh from the Co Tyrone town, had been missing for five weeks.

It is understood the body was found in the river yesterday afternoon.

A police spokeswoman said although the body has yet to be formally identified, a "crime is not suspected".

SDLP MLA Daniel McCrossan said he hoped that Mrs McHugh had been found and extended his sympathies to her family.

"I also know that her family have been suffering during the last five weeks and I hope that tonight’s developments bring some much needed closure for them," he said.

"This is a sad and highly difficult time and I know that the public and families involved always hold out some hope.

"But this hope tonight comes to an end. Whilst a family is relieved to have their loved one returned after a difficult search a painful loss and void in their lives will remain."