Northern Ireland

NI Air Ambulance tasked to incident in Derry

Man believed to have fallen off a roof

The Air ambulance lands at the RVH on Tuesday.
The Air ambulance lands at the RVH on Tuesday. PICTURE COLM LENAGHAN

A man has been taken to hospital by air ambulance after falling from a roof in Derry.

The incident occurred in Rathkeele Way in the Creggan area of the city on Tuesday morning.

A spokesperson for NI Ambulance Service (NIAS) said: “NIAS despatched one emergency crew and one rapid response paramedic to the incident.

“The Charity Air Ambulance with HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) on board was also tasked to the incident.

“Following initial assessment and treatment at the scene, one patient was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital by Air Ambulance.”