Northern Ireland

Newry: Man (40) arrested after stabbing injures two people

Police said the suspect is alleged to have attacked two men at a pool hall before he was removed

Police at the scene after A man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries in a stabbing in Newry, according to the PSNI.
It happened in the Upper Water Street area of the town on Sunday evening.
A second man, aged in his 20s, has also been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries.
Police at the scene in the Upper Water Street area of Newry after a man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries following a stabbing on Sunday evening PICTURE: COLM LENAGHAN

A 40-year-old man has been arrested after a stabbing at a pool hall in the Upper Water Street area on Sunday.

Issuing an update on Monday, police said they had been alerted around 8.40pm that a man had entered a snooker and pool hall in the Basin Walk area of the city when an altercation took place.

“It was alleged the suspect, a 40-year-old man, had assaulted two men before he was removed from the premises,” they said.

Forensics  at the scene after A man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries in a stabbing in Newry, according to the PSNI.
It happened in the Upper Water Street area of the town on Sunday evening.
A second man, aged in his 20s, has also been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries.
Forensics at the scene after A man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries in a stabbing in Newry, according to the PSNI. It happened in the Upper Water Street area of the town on Sunday evening. A second man, aged in his 20s, has also been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries. PIC COLM LENAGHAN

“Officers attended and observed a man covered in blood at the entrance of the building.

“He was arrested on suspicion of common assault, disorderly behaviour and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.

“Subsequent searches were carried out at a flat in the nearby Upper Water Street area.”

Upon arrival, police said an unconscious man in his 30s was found with serious injuries to his head, face and lower body - thought to have been caused by a knife.

“He was transported to hospital for treatment to his injuries and is in a serious condition at this time.

“The suspect was further arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and remains in custody as the investigation continues.

“Enquiries are ongoing today and the number to call is 101 quoting reference number 1616 (for May 26) if you have any information including dash-cam, mobile, CCTV or other footage that could help with the investigation.”

Information can also be provided to anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Earlier, Sinn FéinMLA Liz Kimmins said that the local community was “shocked and deeply concerned” by the incident.

Speaking to the Newry Reporter, she also warned of the dangers of knife crime.

“Details of the incident are unclear and it is being investigated by Police. I appeal to anyone with information to contact the PSNI.

“Those who use knives on our streets must realise the seriousness of their actions, this incident clearly shows what can go greatly wrong when people lift knives as weapons.

“The use of knifes on the streets is totally unacceptable and there is a moral responsibility on all of us to ensure that knife crime is stamped out.

Forensics  at the scene after A man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries in a stabbing in Newry, according to the PSNI.
It happened in the Upper Water Street area of the town on Sunday evening.
A second man, aged in his 20s, has also been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries.
Forensics at the scene after A man in his 30s has sustained life-threatening injuries in a stabbing in Newry, according to the PSNI. It happened in the Upper Water Street area of the town on Sunday evening. A second man, aged in his 20s, has also been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries. PIC COLM LENAGHAN