Northern Ireland

Man arrested over graffiti that cost businesses thousands to clean

Police described the theft as a ‘significant loss’ for the farmer
Police are investigating graffiti incidents on trains in Bangor and in Belfast city centre. (Niall Carson/PA)

A 34-year-old man has been arrested by police investigating a series of graffiti ‘tags’ in Belfast and Co Down that cost thousands of pounds to remove.

Three train carriages at Bangor railway station were found to have been sprayed with silver paint on December 3, and four days later a similar ‘tag’ in silver paint was found on seven business premises in the Arthur Street and Chichester Street area in Belfast city centre.

A PSNI spokesperson said the incidents caused “thousands of pounds worth of damage”.

Police arrested a 34-year-old man on Wednesday on suspicion of criminal damage and was later released on bail pending further enquiries.