
‘Help homeless asylum seekers’ - Protestors will urge Republic’s government

The protest will take place outside the International Protection Office in Dublin, which has turned into a makeshift camp.

Tents are cleared from a site used by asylum seekers at the International Protection Office on Mount Street, Dublin
Tents are cleared from a site used by asylum seekers at the International Protection Office on Mount Street, Dublin (Brian Lawless/PA)

A protest calling on the Government to take action for homeless asylum seekers will take place later today.

The protest will take place outside the International Protection Office in Dublin, which has turned into a makeshift camp and where dozens of asylum seekers have been forced to sleep.

Groups United Against Racism, Social Rights Ireland and the End Direct Provision action group will take part in the protest, in which they will call for the Government to open empty buildings for homeless asylum seekers.

A banner at a site used by asylum seekers at the International Protection Office on Mount Street, Dublin
A banner at a site used by asylum seekers at the International Protection Office on Mount Street, Dublin (Brian Lawless/PA)

In a post, Social Rights Ireland said: “The housing crisis is gov policy.

“We need wraparound services to support our Irish homeless, not just emergency accommodation.

“Ireland also has long history of emigration. People have left their countries out of total desperation, leaving family and kids.”

At the weekend, a large group of asylum seekers were moved by authorities from the makeshift camp in Dublin to a separate location.

Men who had been camping near the International Protection Office (IPO) were taken by bus to a site at Crooksling.

However, some of the men have since returned to the city because of threatening behaviour by people who gathered outside the site.

At the weekend, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar denied that the decision to move the men was made to avoid “an embarrassment for the Government” close to St Patrick’s Day.

People Before Profit Brid Smith has called for urgent questions in the Dail with Minister for Children Roderic O’Gorman on the “disgraceful treatment” of refugees at the IPO at the weekend.

Ms Smith said she has submitted a request to the Oireachtas Business Committee requesting that time is provided on the Dail schedule this week for statements and questions and answers with Mr O’Gorman about the ongoing issue.

Ms Smith said: “There appears to have been a calculated decision to move asylum seekers out of the city centre to a remote location ahead of the St Patrick’s Day Festival.

“On Saturday, asylum seekers were told to board a bus to be brought to new accommodation.

“The bus dropped them at a remote location on the outskirts of Dublin.

“They were given tents and informed that this was their new ’accommodation’. The site at the IPO has been destroyed, with thousands of euros worth of tents and belongings dumped.

“It is outrageous that these vulnerable men are being treated with such contempt by the Government and it is important that time is provided for this urgent matter on the Dail schedule this week.”