Northern Ireland

Mid Ulster council to support campaign to ban import of honey bees

Native Black Irish honeybees – Apis mellifera mellifera
Native Black Irish honeybees – Apis mellifera mellifera

Mid Ulster District Council is to support a campaign calling for on the British Government to stop the importation of Italian honeybees to Great Britain via Northern Ireland.

A Kent bee keeper, Patrick Murfet, wants to import baby Italian bees for his business and to help farmers pollinate crops.

However post Brexit, only queen bees can be imported into Britain not colonies or packs, however confusion remains as to the possibility of bringing bees into Northern Ireland.

In order to avoid the import ban and abide by the law, Mr Murfet has arranged for his usual importation of 15 million bees to arrive in Northern Ireland in April before making their way to Great Britain.

Raising the issue at a Mid Ulster District Council’s monthly meeting, Torrent councillor Dan Kerr said he had been contacted by concerned local bee keepers who have asked Council to help stop the import of these Italian bees.

“A few local bee keepers and members of the Low Country Native Irish Honeybee Association has requested Council support its campaign to stop the import of 15 million Italian bees into the UK via the north of Ireland” said Councillor Kerr,

“The Italian bees have a notifiable disease, which can cause contamination to the native black Irish honey bees. It is a horrendous pest that eats everything in the colony.

“Our native bee is under threat due to cross breeding which will dilute what academic studies have designated the best strain of black bee in Europe.

“The native bee has adapted over thousands of years to Ireland’s moist temperature and climate and it would be a shame to destroy our native bees’ heritage.”

Councillor Kerr then proposed that Council supports the campaign to prevent the importation of the Italian bee and invite the Low Country Native Irish Honeybee Association to a future committee meeting to learn about more about their objectives.

Independent councillor Barry Monteith seconded the proposal noting the benefits of such a move for Mid Ulster and the island of Ireland.

“I think it will be vital we do learn about the work they are doing to help ensure the future of the native honeybee in our area,” said Cllr Monteith.

“But the proposal has a wider impact, this plan to important these bees could potentially have a very serious impact on the native Irish bee and I think we should do everything we can to resist all attempts to do so.

“This mistake can only be made once.”

SDLP group leader, Councillor Malachy Quinn said he fully supported the proposal and told the chamber it was important to protect native species.

“We all know the risk of invasive species to our native ones, just look at the grey squirrels and what has become of our red squirrels.

“I am very happy to support this proposal, it is not just us, a lot of people in England are unhappy about the import of these bees as well.”

Bringing the debate on the matter to a close, the Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Cathal Mallaghan said it was an “important issue” and expressed a desire to hear from the association to” see what we can do as a Council to support the campaign”.

Dan kerr: Councillor Dan Kerr has called on Mid Ulster District Council to support a campaign calling for the British Government to stop Italian bees being imported into GB via Northern Ireland.