
Gary Haggarty: The full list of charges

Gary Haggarty
Gary Haggarty

Gary Haggarty pleaded guilty to 200 charges. They include:

* Five counts of murder

* Five counts of attempted murder

* Four counts of directing terrorism

* One count of aiding and abetting murder

* Twenty three counts of conspiracy to murder

* Four counts of kidnap

* Six counts of false imprisonment

* five counts of hijack

* Sixty six counts of possession of firearms and ammunition with intent

* One count of carrying an imitation firearm with criminal intent

* One count of possession of an imitation firearm with intent

* Three counts of conspiracy to possess firearms with intent

* Nine counts of possession of explosives with intent

* One count of possession of explosives under suspicious circumstances

* One count of making explosives

* Five counts of membership of the UVF

* Seven counts of possession of articles for use in terrorism

* Three counts of use of terrorist property

* Seven counts of possession of terrorist property

* Four counts of possession of information likely to be of use to terrorists

* Two counts of aggravated burglary

* Eighteen counts of wounding with intent

* Three counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent

* Two counts of conspiracy to wound with intent

* One count of assault occasioning actual bodily

* One count of common assault

* Three counts of arson with intent

* One count of criminal damage

* One count of conspiracy to rob

* One count of possession of an offensive weapon

* Two counts of conspiracy to defraud

* One count of converting criminal property

* One count of assisting offenders

* One count of intimidation

* One count of conspiracy to riot