
Alliance leader Naomi Long: this election is a chance to bring about change

Alliance leader Naomi Long says many people feel disillusioned and even angry with the Assembly and politics, and don't believe anything will ever change.

Alliance party leader Naomi Long. Picture by Matt Bohill.
Alliance party leader Naomi Long. Picture by Matt Bohill.

ONCE again we are in a situation none of us particularly want to be in.

It is farcical and frustrating, and it is understandable why for so many people, things appear to be bleak and uncertain.

Again we are left without a government thanks to a collapse of the Assembly.

It's happened time and time again under the SDLP and UUP, and now under the DUP and Sinn Féin.

It's happening at a time when we need a functioning Executive – to set a budget; to address the crisis in our health service and school budgets, to provide job security to many public and community sector workers, and deliver a coherent plan to address Brexit.

While we didn't choose to be here, it actually provides an opportunity for the people of Northern Ireland.

It is a chance to make change. For good.

Many people feel disillusioned and even angry with the Assembly and politics, and don't believe anything will ever change.

But it absolutely can and the power to make it change is in each of our hands.

It is a chance for the public to take a stand against the scandals of RHI, Nama, Red Sky, Research Services Ireland and links to paramilitaries.

A chance for the public to say enough is enough to the scandal of division which holds us all back - division which costs us more than all of the other scandals put together.

That division won't go away if we keep voting along orange and green lines.

This is the chance to change that pattern and reform our system for good. It's a chance to vote for people who will bring us together instead of driving us apart, and who will bring us together to make us stronger.

Who will end the sham fights and instead focus on what we can achieve.

Alliance is not just standing against what has gone before, but for a positive and progressive change in our government and community.

An Alliance vote isn't just an empty protest vote – it's a vote for positive transformation, one than can deliver real change for good in every constituency and in the Assembly.

When I became leader, I promised to build Alliance beyond greater Belfast.

We are already recruiting new members and activists across the country at an unprecedented rate.

Our candidates in this election are rooted in their constituencies and have the skills and the vision to give good representation.

I'm proud to stand with them and know every vote cast for Alliance will matter.

In every constituency not only can you elect Alliance MLAs to represent you, but you can also send out a strong message about the type of society you want to see.

If we use this opportunity wisely, we can truly transform our broken politics so the people who got us into this mess cannot do it ever again.

It is your opportunity – perhaps the best and maybe the only one we'll get for a generation – to change our politics into something honest, open, responsible, respectful and hard working.

To change things. For good.

To have good public services that deliver for you and everyone.

Services that transform healthcare, integrate education and deliver a safer, more inclusive community.

Good job prospects with more and better opportunities.

Good government that's open, honest, accountable and progressive.

No more corruption, no more cronyism, no more incompetence. Just good leadership.

This is a golden opportunity to turn things around.

To get the sort of politics you want. To elect responsible, proven leadership who will work in your best interests.

It's an opportunity to put an end to the pettiness, squabbling, corruption and division that's destroying our public services and eroding public trust.

But you need to grasp this opportunity. On March 2, vote Alliance.

Together, we can change things. For good.