
Columnist Anita Robinson reignites cliché that women can't park

The age-old cliché that women can't park which has divided opinion between males and females for years
The age-old cliché that women can't park which has divided opinion between males and females for years

IT may be a hot topic that divides opinion - but women have come out fighting after Irish News columnist Anita Robinson claimed that it's the fairer sex who can't park.

While women have long challenged the male stereotype that they're bad drivers it appears that some females actually agree.

Anita Robinson reignited the debate in her column yesterday by claiming that women can't actually parallel park.

In her view "many women do not so much park as get out and abandon the vehicle".

"Logic and reason tell you if you got in, you must be able to get out again. Logic and reason are mistaken," she said.

"The thing to do is sit tight, rev the engine, look distressed and eventually a nice man will come along and extricate you."

She added: "Sometimes, ladies, it works out cheaper to take a taxi".

However politician Michelle Gildernew said she "rolled her eyes" on reading the column and said the assessment was simply "not true".

The Sinn Féin assembly member, who prides herself on her own parking abilities, said: "I did roll my eyes when I saw the headline that Anita claimed that women can't park.

Sinn Fein MLA Michelle Gildernew. Picture by Ronan McGrade 
Sinn Fein MLA Michelle Gildernew. Picture by Ronan McGrade 

"Male or female, I would pass remarks about how people have parked, but at the same time, it can be difficult at times especially when people are watching you. At the end of the day, bad parking can happen to the best of us.

"I've no problem with parking at all, I've always been able to parallel park. It's never been a thing I've had an issue with."

Her views were echoed by public relations executive Michelle McTernan.

"There is a common misconception that women are the inferior race when it comes to driving, especially parking," she said.

"I firmly believe parking is a confidence thing, practice makes perfect and don't let arrogant drivers try to put you off.

"This applies to everyone.

"To be honest I've seen a lot of male drivers trying to park unsuccessfully but never witnessed a female driver trying to take the hand out of them.

"Would this imply that women have more patience, and manners, for that matter."