
Just one-in-three in Republic would support united Ireland if taxes rose

Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams called for a border poll earlier this year
Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams called for a border poll earlier this year

HALF of those in the Republic who support a united Ireland would change their mind if it meant paying higher taxes, an opinion poll has found.

The latest poll on the issue found that 67 per cent of voters south of the border were in favour of reunification.

But the figure drops to just 32 per cent when it is proposed that taxes may increase, according to the survey by Behaviour & Attitudes for The Sunday Times.

Even Sinn Féin voters were not prepared to pay more for a united Ireland with just 40 per cent in favour if it meant increased taxes (against 84 per cent if there was no change).

The debate on holding a referendum on the reunification of Ireland has returned to the fore following the decision of UK voters to exit the European Union.

Calls for a poll however have been turned down by the British authorities.

But taoiseach Enda Kenny has said a united Ireland could not be ruled out in a post-Brexit environment.

"At the end of the day, a united Ireland remains more a romantic aspiration for the average citizen of the Republic of Ireland, with just three in ten of use prepared to support reunification if it is to incur any significant costs to the state, or ourselves personally," the report said.

A poll for BBC's The View programme earlier this month found around 52 per cent of people surveyed in the north did not want a border poll and 83 per cent said Brexit had not altered their position on Northern Ireland's status.

Around 53 per cent of Catholics interviewed backed such a poll, while 72 per cent of Protestants were opposed to the move.