
Nama: Background to Jamie Bryson's Stormont evidence session 'is political dynamite'

Background to Jamie Bryson committee appearance reveal a murky political world. Picture Mal McCann.
Background to Jamie Bryson committee appearance reveal a murky political world. Picture Mal McCann.

WHEN Jamie Bryson appeared before the Stormont Finance committee to deliver his evidence on the Nama property scandal, his appearance was described as "box office" by one political commentator.

After weeks of agitating online and putting information relating to alleged political corruption and financial 'kickback's on his blog, it was a 'must see' evidence session.

While it is clear the information being leaked to Bryson about the Nama scandal was coming from within the unionist camp, the finger firmly pointed at the enemies of then first minister Peter Robinson.

It now transpires they weren't the only people who had the loyalist's ear.

A series of leaked messages that have been described as "political dynamite" show Sinn Féin - who at that time had control of the Finance committee - 'coaching' the Co Down loyalist on how to best deliver the killer blow.

Politics is a ruthless and often dirty business and the cordial exchanges between a hard-line loyalist, who has in the past refused to condemn the UVF, and a Sinn Féin party member who appears to be acting as a 'conduit' for the committee chair, make for remarkable reading.

'The enemy of my enemy is my friend', springs to mind.

Mr Robinson has now retired but his legacy has undoubtedly been affected by unproven allegations of financial corruption.

Bryson's appearance before the finance committee remains the most watched committee meeting in the assembly.

But remarkable as it was, the insight we now have into the lead up to that appearance makes it all the more astonishing.

Political dynamite indeed.

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