
Martin McGuinness publishes HMRC tax returns

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness paid £37,000 in tax from a salary of £111,600. Picture by Niall Carson
Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness paid £37,000 in tax from a salary of £111,600. Picture by Niall Carson

DEPUTY First Minister Martin McGuinness is the latest politician to publish his tax details following public outcry over the so-called Panama Papers.

Mr McGuinness paid more than £37,000 to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs in the 2014-15 financial year from a Stormont salary of £111,600.

The documents show that the Foyle election candidate received almost £62,000 in benefits and expenses through his assembly allowances.

Notably, the tax calculation indicates that the deputy first minister paid £462 more than was due.

Documents released by Colum Eastwood show the SDLP leader paid £6,231 in tax on his assembly salary of £41,168.

The documents released by justice minister David Ford do not detail how much he paid in tax but show he earned £86,000 before tax in 2014-15.