
Brexit: Nigel Farage and Sammy Wilson at Belfast rally

File picture of TUV leader Jim Allister. Picture by Arthur Allison
File picture of TUV leader Jim Allister. Picture by Arthur Allison

A MAJOR cross-party rally in Belfast tonight will make the case for a UK exit from the EU.

Grassroots Out (GO) will hold the rally at Titanic Exhibition Centre with speakers including Labour MP Kate Hoey, DUP MP Sammy Wilson, TUV leader Jim Allister, Tory MP Peter Bone and UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

Economist Graham Gudgin will also speak at the rally.

Speaking ahead of the event, Mr Bone said the June 23 referendum on whether the UK should remain in the European Union is hugely important.

"Support for GO is growing every day as more and more people realise they would live freer, more prosperous and happier lives in a UK outside of the EU," he said.

Mr Wilson said the EU "makes increasing demands for taxpayers' money, imposes unnecessary and damaging regulations on our businesses, stops us making our own trading arrangements with those countries and regions of the world where economies are expanding and forces us to accept ever increasing numbers of immigrants which are putting pressure on our social infrastructure".

Mr Allister, a former MEP, said a Brexit would allow the UK to "be in sovereign control of our own affairs".

"On 23rd June we have a one off opportunity for our people and nation to retake control of our own laws, destiny and borders," he said.

"Brexit will be liberating for our trade, democracy and future."

Other speakers include Conservative MP Tom Pursglove, Northern Ireland UKIP leader David McNarry and Kevin McCorry from the People’s Movement.

The rally comes just days after Mr Farage, a sitting MEP, took part in a Brexit debate at Ulster University's Belfast campus.