
Tyrone house connected to gangland hit suspect raided

The Regency Hotel in Dublin where Dublin man David Byrne was shot dead earlier this month
The Regency Hotel in Dublin where Dublin man David Byrne was shot dead earlier this month

A Tyrone house connected to a former republican prisoner suspected of being involved in a gangland hit in Dublin has been raided by the PSNI.

The search was carried out in the Strabane area as part of an investigation into a Dublin gangland feud which has already claimed two lives.

Dublin gangster David Byrne was shot dead when a gang armed with automatic riffles burst into a boxing weigh-in in the Regency Hotel in Dublin two-weeks and opened fire.

Days later Eddie Hutch Senior was murdered in his Dublin home in a revenge attack as a bitter battle between two Spanish based crime gangs threatened to spiral out of control on the streets of Dublin.

Mr Hutch is due to be buried later today.

It is believed that Gardai have identified a Co Tyrone man as a suspect in the attack.

It is understood he is a former republican prisoner who was later linked to Republican Action Against Drugs.

In 2014 he was acquitted of taking part in a kneecapping carried out several years earlier.

Now defunct, RAAD carried out dozens of gun attacks on alleged drug dealers in the north-west between 2008 and 2012.

Armed and masked men dressed as Garda officers were pictured going into the Regency Hotel before the attack while two other armed men, one dressed as a women, were later photographed running from the scene.

In the days after the attack a man claiming to represent the Continuity IRA said the group was responsible.

However, the mainstream Continuity IRA, linked to Republican Sinn Féin, later said it had no involvement in the attack.

It is not thought any of the main republican groupings were involved in the Regency ambush.

A Garda spokesman refused to comment when asked if they had liased with the PSNI in Wednesday evening's Strabane search.

A spokesman for the PSNI said: "Police conducted a search in Strabane on Wednesday night as part of an investigation into serious crime."