
Man tells of finding bodies of John and Lynette Rodgers on South Africa beach

John and Lynette Rodgers on their wedding day
John and Lynette Rodgers on their wedding day

A retired school teacher who helped take the bodies of newlyweds from Northern Ireland from the sea in South Africa where they drowned has told of how the couple "looked at peace" when they were found.

John Hall had gone for a walk along Robberg Beach in the Plettenberg Bay area at around 5pm on Friday, October 23 when he made the grim discovery.

The 70-year-old, who lives a short distance from the scene, was taking in the beautiful scenery when he found John Rodgers' body, face down, in shallow water.

After calling the National Sea Rescue Institute for help, the pensioner was joined by two other men and together, the three pulled the 28-year-old Ballygowan man's body from the sea.

Mr Hall and the other two men were then alerted to two "very distressed" women, who had discovered Lynette Rodgers' body nearby and again, the men lifted the 26-year-old, from Holywood, Co Down, out of the water.

Married at First Presbyterian Church in Holywood on October 17, the couple had only been married for six days and were enjoying the start of their honeymoon, when the tragedy struck.

Mr Hall said when the couple were found, there was "no agony or distress on either of their faces - they looked at peace with what happened".

"They were very peaceful lying on the beach beside one another".

Mr Hall said people keen to help then descended on the scene including members of the NSRI, who tried in vain to revive the pair.

"We certainly weren't going to give up," he said.

"The resuscitation carried on for around 45 minutes to an hour with no avail.

"The whole town is devastated and every time I go down to the beach, I can think of little else now. I don't think this town will ever truly get over it".

Mr Hall said the sea in South Africa was unpredictable and "things can change very quickly".

"I can only imagine that they have got into a bit of trouble with a rip-tide and one has tried to save the other and they haven't been able to get out themselves," he told the Sunday Life.

He added: "From being here I know that John and Lynette weren't in any pain and I hope it can be of some comfort to their parents, if only little, to know that they looked at peace".

A joint funeral for the couple is due to take place in Holywood today (MON) at First Presbyterian Church, where the couple married last month.

The couple will be buried together afterwards during a private committal.

A book of condolence in memory of Lynette, who worked as a physiotherapist at the Ulster Hospital and her husband, John, an University of Ulster engineering graduate who worked for Calvert Office Equipment in Belfast, was opened in Holywood Library and Ards Arts Centre.