
Paramilitary group threaten drug dealers

UDA leaflet distributed in north and west Belfast
UDA leaflet distributed in north and west Belfast

THE UDA have issued a warning to drug dealers that they will be "severely dealt with" a week after a west Belfast man was nailed to a worktop in a brutal paramiltiary-style attack.

Paul Harbinson was attacked by a gang of men believed to be from the UDA at a house in Florence Walk in the lower Shankill area last Thursday.

During the horrific attack his hands were nailed to a worktop in the kitchen of the house with 10 inch nails.

It took emergency services more than an hour to free him and he was rushed to hospital for treatment for his injuries.

The 23-year-old, in an interview with a Sunday newspaper, denied involvement in the supply of drugs. He revealed that he was leaving the area and would not be returning.

The victim also told how his attackers tried to hammer nails into his feet during the attack.

A leaflet distributed by the paramilitary group this week warned anyone involved in distributing "illegal drugs" would be "severely dealt with".