
Viewers say CBB’s wall task ‘in bad taste’

US housemate Natalie Nunn was also unimpressed with the challenge.
US housemate Natalie Nunn was also unimpressed with the challenge.

Celebrity Big Brother viewers have slammed the show’s wall task as “inappropriate” and “in poor taste”.

The housemates were instructed to build a wall to keep outsiders out in a challenge which echoed US President Donald Trump’s controversial plans to erect a wall to separate Mexico and North America.

US actress Kirstie Alley – who has been chosen to be the president of the house – told the group: “It is my presidential order that we build a wall.

“We have just received a special intelligence that indicates several powerful outsiders are plotting to cross the Big Brother border and infiltrate the house in order to steal Big Brother’s green cards.”

She continued: “A great, great wall. The greatest wall the world has ever seen.

Many people watching the Channel 5 programme were unimpressed.

“Wow, @bbuk. This task is in incredibly poor taste. The green card thing is actually to do with peoples’ lives. Not cool,” one person said on Twitter.

““It’s just a game” yeah a game making fun of a HORRENDOUS situation in the US. Very very inappropriate,” said another.

“This task is soo uncomfortable to watch? Too tongue in cheek for my liking,” said another viewer.

American housemate Natalie Nunn was particularly offended and refused to help erect the wall.

The reality TV star appeared to blame Alley for the challenge and called for her to be removed from office.

“I’m just not building the wall,” she snapped, adding: “The president is disgusting. I officially don’t like the Big Brother house president.”

She later told Big Brother in the Diary Room: “Impeach the president!”

However, many fans pointed out that the wall was not Alley’s idea.

“Does Natalie understand Kirstie has no say in what big brother asks her to do???” asked one viewer.

“Why doesn’t #CBBNatalie realise these are just tasks and #CBBKirstie isn’t actually the President or his representative?” said another.

Celebrity Big Brother continues on Channel 5.