
Police name new canine recruit after mental health campaigner

West Midlands Police called its new golden cocker spaniel Liv after Liv Pontin.
West Midlands Police called its new golden cocker spaniel Liv after Liv Pontin.

West Midlands Police have named their newest recruit, a golden cocker spaniel puppy, after mental health campaigner Liv Pontin.

Ms Pontin, who died in May, worked for Northamptonshire Police and spent time with various departments discussing mental health.

Posting photos of the new police dog to Twitter, West Midlands Police said: “Meet our newest recruit, a golden cocker spaniel named Liv… The adorable puppy has been named after mental health campaigner Liv Pontin, who sadly passed away in May this year.”

Chief Inspector Gareth Mason said: “We were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Liv, who was an inspiration to the police family.

“We know that Liv loved dogs and she would often share our tweets on Twitter, showing her support, so we thought it would be a nice tribute to name our latest puppy after an incredible lady.”

A crowdfunding page has been set up in Ms Pontin’s memory, which called her “one of the most honest, kind-hearted people you could imagine you’d meet”.