
Teenager with love of forensics becomes crime scene investigator for the day

Kieran Robison, 13, often sets up fake crime scenes in the garden of his home in Newcastle.
Kieran Robison, 13, often sets up fake crime scenes in the garden of his home in Newcastle.

A 13-year-old boy who dreams of one day working in forensics has been given the opportunity to become a crime scene investigator for the day.

Kieran Robison has developed a fascination with forensics, and wears his own special white suit and uses his own kit to set up and solve fake crime scenes in his front garden.

The schoolboy even uses fake blood and fingerprints in order to make his investigations as realistic as possible.

After hearing about his passion for solving crime, Northumbria Police Chief Constable Winton Keenen arranged to visit the teenager at his home in Walker, Newcastle, with crime scene investigator Kieran O’Donnell.

During the visit on Wednesday, they set up a crime scene mystery which the teenager, who has autism, solved by meticulously gathering evidence.

Speaking about his passion, his mother Claire, said: “It started when he was about one with emergency vehicles and as he got older it progressed into the forensics stuff.

“He cordons off my garden, gets his own crime scene out and does his own little investigations.

“He gets fake blood out and fingerprints everywhere, so he does the full lot.”

Speaking about the police visit, she added: “He has been looking in the vans, talking to officers, they’ve been up to his room to see his pictures and they’ve been able to look at all this forensic kit, so he has loved showing that off.

“This is great for Kieran because he doesn’t get an opportunity to do this, you don’t just stop a police car and ask to look in their car, so we are really grateful.”

Mr Keenen, who presented the teenager with a certificate for cracking the fake case, said: “It was fantastic to meet Kieran and his mum and I was blown away by his passion for the police and forensics.

“It is great to see people like Kieran inspired by what we do here at Northumbria Police and it was a privilege to give him the chance to meet the team.

“I could tell from all of his kit, and the way he examined the crime scene, that he has a real knowledge of the subject and he did a great job.”