
Donald Trump and Angela Merkel are *definitely* singing to each other in these photos

The German leader’s facial expressions are incredible.
The German leader’s facial expressions are incredible.

The G20 summit. A time for the leaders of the world’s biggest economies to meet up and discuss the fate of the world.

It’s also a time when the leaders are forced to smile, or grimace, as they shake hands with each other while the press snap photos. Take Donald Trump and Angela Merkel, for example. These two produced some wonderful photos which looked slightly like they were singing to each other.

If they were in a karaoke bar winding down from a busy day at the G20, this classic George and Ira Gershwin song would be a contender.

Things have come to a pretty pass, our romance is growing flat

(Matthias Schrader/AP)
(Matthias Schrader/AP)

For you like this and the other, While I go for this and that

(Matthias Schrader/PA)

Goodness knows what the end will be, oh, I don’t know where I’m at

(Matthias Schrader/AP)

It looks as if we two will never be one, something must be done

(Michael Kappeler/PA)

You like potato and I like potahto

(Matthias Schrader/AP)

You like tomato and I like tomahto

(Michael Kappeler/PA)

Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto

(Michael Kappeler/PA)

Let’s call the whole thing off!

(Matthias Schrader/PA)