
Move over dogs at polling stations, because this year cats refuse to be outdone

#catsatpollingstations is giving dogs a run for their money.
#catsatpollingstations is giving dogs a run for their money. #catsatpollingstations is giving dogs a run for their money.

Every election day #dogsatpollingstation goes viral as the internet is overrun with pictures of man’s best friend accompanying their owners when they vote. All very cute, but this begs the question: where is the cat love at?

Feline fans around the country are taking a stand against this today, with your new favourite hashtag: #catsatpollingstations. And it pretty much does what it says on the tin – people have taken pictures of their cats accompanying them to vote. A simple but winning formula.


Some of the official political cats even took to Twitter to encourage you to vote – Palmerston the Foreign Office cat and Gladstone from the Treasury.

However, there were some kitties that weren’t quite as diligent as others.

Well, cats are notoriously less obedient than dogs, so it’s hardly surprising that not all of them could be tempted out of bed.