
On the last day of campaigning the Green Party is bringing the lols on Twitter

Big up the party’s social media maven.
Big up the party’s social media maven.

Ahead of polls opening on Thursday, parties are making desperate last-minute efforts to woo voters – and it would seem like the Green Party’s weapon of choice is humour.

First up, Ladbrokes tweeted this.

To which the party replied with uber-quick wit.

Politics is traditionally quite stiff upper lipped and staid, so it’s refreshing to see a party poking a bit of fun at itself. They are cheekily insinuating that co-leader Caroline Lucas placed that bet using the party’s funds.And their efforts to bring a bit of comedy to the campaign trail haven’t gone unnoticed.

As election fever reaches its peak, this kind of light relief is very welcome.And if the anonymous better does indeed get it right, with odds at 1000/1 they’re looking at a cool £1 million. Not bad for a day’s work.