
Here's what happened on the election trail today

Diane Abbott talked about her hairstyle.
Diane Abbott talked about her hairstyle.

From changing views and hairstyles to an unfortunate slip of the tongue, here is a round-up of the day’s election coverage.

Good day?

Jeremy Corbyn
(Nick Potts/PA)

Arsenal fan Jeremy Corbyn is still evidently riding on a high from yesterday’s FA Cup victory.

On ITV’s Robert Peston show the Labour leader said to fellow Arsenal fan Peston: “You know what? Underdogs win.”

Bad day?

(Jeff Overs/BBC)

The Tory party has once again come under fire for its U-turn over a cap on social care costs. Home Secretary Amber Rudd was asked about it on BBC1′s Andrew Marr Show but couldn’t give a clear answer.

She said: “The Prime Minister has said yes, there will be a cap. But we are not sure where the cap will be. What we are saying is we will have a green paper to make sure that we set it at the right level and we consider all the other alternatives.”

Quote of the day

Diane Abbott

When asked about her previous stance on the IRA, shadow home secretary Diane Abbott told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “I don’t have the same hairstyle, and I don’t have the same views.”

Abbott refused to say whether she regretted her views from 34 years ago. She said that like the afro she had then, her views have changed.

Corbyn was asked about her statement on the ITV’s Peston On Sunday and said: “Diane’s hairstyle is a matter for Diane.”

Tweet of the day

On the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas was pressed about messaging services like WhatsApp using end-to-end encryption to protect user data.On the show it seemed like Lucas was saying the Green Party wanted to stop end-to-end encryption, but later tried to clarify this position with a slightly confusing tweet.Gaffe of the day

When welcoming Kezia Dugdale onto Sophy Ridge on Sunday’s programme on Sky News, presenter Ridge accidentally introduced the leader of the Scottish Labour party as the “leader of Scottish labia”.

Both Dugdale and Ridge managed to keep a straight face and continued on with the programme.

What do the polls say?

Election polls

According to the Press Association poll of polls, projections have changed little since Saturday. Labour remains on 35% and the Conservatives have climbed 1% to 45%, with the other parties lagging behind.