
Someone has vowed to stand against Tim Farron dressed as a fish finger


A Crowdfunding project for a potential candidate known as Mr Fish Finger to take on Tim Farron in June’s General Election has reached its target.

The political outsider vowed to conduct any related business in their campaign to become MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale dressed as a fish finger if they reached funds of at least £500 – and a total of £665 has been raised so far.

On the crowdfunding page, it says: “Let’s make Fish Finger vs. Tim Farron for MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale in June’s General Election a reality. #VoteFishFinger”.


The crowdfunding page comes after a poll on Twitter reportedly found that people would trust a fish finger to run the country ahead of Farron. In the description of the crowdfunding project, it says: “This seat has been held since 2005 by Tim Farron, who lost to a fish finger – by a margin of around 99% – in a poll of over 1,000 people, when asked ‘Who would you trust to lead you more?’”

The person behind the campaign for Mr Fish Finger appears to be Twitter user @SkipsterX – on the page it says “All credit for the famous poll – and Mr Fish Finger’s political rise – go to Skip (https://twitter.com/SkipsterX).”

And it looks like the candidate has been hard at work already.

Obviously, people on Twitter seem to be finding Mr Fish Finger’s political rise hilarious.

Some are even appearing to show their support for the fish finger candidate.

And if you’re wondering – yes, Mr Fish Finger does appear to have his own Twitter profile too.
