
This musician plays guitar on an axe, then splits wood with it and it's taking multitasking to the next level

Literally an axe.
Literally an axe.

You’ve got to hand it to the front man of one Indiana country blues band.

Reverend Peyton – of Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band – is known for his unusual instruments. And surely it doesn’t get much more unusual than an axe guitar.

The guitar player not only picks and slides the axe but then also splits wood with it. He ain’t messing around…

In the clip, you can also see drummer Sad Max Senteney joining in with the aid of an old log. Talk about making the most of your surroundings.

Turns out Reverend Peyton has used other rather random objects to make music with before.

See: The three string Guitgun.

And, in another example of multitasking at its finest, Reverend Peyton has also played 18 different instruments in a row in one song before.

FYI, if you want to see the band in action, they will be on tour in the UK from August 11-19.