
Everything that happened in Trump's first speech to Congress

Everything that happened in Trump's first speech to Congress
Everything that happened in Trump's first speech to Congress

President Trump has made his first speech to a joint session of Congress, laying out the basics of his agenda.

And as he issued a broad call for overhauling the nation’s health care and boosting military spending, he swapped his trademark pugnaciousness and personal insults for a more restrained tone.

Heralding a “new chapter of American greatness”, the president said: “The time for small thinking is over.”Here’s what you need to know. How did he start the address?

He began by condemning the attacks on Jewish cemeteries and the Kansas City shootings.Trump said: “We are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.”

What did he say about immigration?

(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

Trump’s overall message on immigration was unexpectedly mixed.He said: “Real and positive immigration reform is possible.”He had earlier suggested to news anchors that he was open to legislation that could provide a pathway to legal status for some of the millions of people living in the US illegally. What else did he talk about?

On the topic of Barack Obama’s signature health care law, Trump offered a basic blueprint of his priorities. This included ensuring that those with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, allowing people to buy insurance across state lines and offering tax credits and expanded health savings accounts to help Americans purchase coverage.He suggested he would get rid of the requirement that all Americans carry insurance coverage. He said: “Mandating every American to buy government-approved health insurance was never the right solution for America.”

Making a direct appeal for bipartisanship, he turned to Democrats and said: “Why not join forces to finally get the job done and get it done right?”Meanwhile, the president was vague in his call for tax reform, another Republican priority. He promised “massive tax relief for the middle class” and a reduction in corporate tax rates, but glossed over how he would offset the cuts.The president also urged Congress to pass a trillion-dollar (£800 billion) infrastructure package financed through public and private capital.“The time has come for a new programme of national rebuilding,” he said.

And his national security message? It centred largely on a call for significantly boosting military spending and taking strong but unspecified measures to protect the nation from “radical Islamic terrorism”. What is the reaction on Twitter? As well as people discussing the reactions of people there…

Many of those commenting on the address felt Trump had a noticeably different tone.

Anything else we should know?

(J Scott Applewhite/AP)

One thing a lot of people are talking about on Twitter is what Democratic women were wearing…That’s because in an act of solidarity, more than 40 Democratic leaders wore “suffragette” white to unite against the roll back for women’s progress and rights.