
Cards Against Humanity want to hire a new CEO... but they have very specific requirements

Cards Against Humanity want to hire a new CEO... but they have very specific requirements
Cards Against Humanity want to hire a new CEO... but they have very specific requirements

If Barack Obama happens to be scrolling through Craigslist for a job now he’s left the White House, he’s in luck.

Because the people behind Cards Against Humanity – if you haven’t played the ridiculous game you’re missing out, but surely you have – are looking for a new CEO.

They posted a Craigslist listing two days ago saying: “We wasted an enormous amount of time and ?energy trying to get Hillary Clinton elected President, and on Black Friday we dug a huge hole in the ?ground because we wanted to find out if it would be funny. It’s been a great run, but now it’s time ?for real adult leadership.”

And the job description for the full time position has some, well, very specific requirements…to be Obama.

Yep, along with the potentially more relatable requirement of strong public speaking skills, a steady disposition and the ability to remain cool under pressure, they also want the highly qualified executive who will run the company to have “minimum eight years experience President of the United States of America or equivalent nation”, to “currently hold a national approval rating of 57.2% or higher” and to have “passed comprehensive healthcare reform’.Ah. We reckon we will give this particular job application a miss then. Other people are pointing out on Twitter how they don’t quite meet the requirements.

Some people appear to want to apply anyway…

Good on ‘em. Spotify have also tried to tempt Obama into working for them – but it needs to be addressed how much we enjoyed this one particular line in Cards Against Humanity’s ploy: “Also, you can be our new Dad if you want (optional but strongly preferred).”Hear hear.