
Ancient Buddha statue discovered emerging from the water in China

Ancient Buddha statue discovered emerging from the water in China
Ancient Buddha statue discovered emerging from the water in China

We all have those “a-ha!” moments when we discover something we thought was gone forever – but it’s rarely anything more monumental than finding a sock down the side of our bed.

This is what you call a serious discovery – a Buddha statue believed to be around 600 years old. Official state news agency Xinhua reported that after water levels fell during renovation work on a hydropower gate in Jiangxi Province, eastern China, last month, a local villager spotted its head emerging.

And it’s such a serene sight.

The Buddha’s head sits back against a cliff, overlooking the Hongmen reservoir, in the city of Fuzhou. A number of tourists, as well as locals, are reportedly paying a visit to the new discovery.

Meanwhile, it’s down to an underwater archaeology team to investigate the mysterious statue – what a cool job, hey?

Xu Changqing, head of the provincial research institute of archaeology, told Xinhua that a temple could have existed in the spot the statue was found.

The discovery seems to have certainly got some people thinking anyway…