
Weetabix's unusual serving suggestion didn't go down to well with the public

Weetabix's unusual serving suggestion didn't go down to well with the public
Weetabix's unusual serving suggestion didn't go down to well with the public

Weetabix is a popular breakfast cereal in British cupboards – it’s healthy, it’s simple and it’s very versatile.

Whether you enjoy it with just a drizzle of honey or covered in yoghurt and berries, no recipe is as bizarre as this one Weetabix proposed themselves.

The cereal brand shared a serving suggestion of “Benedict’s Eggs” – all that was needed were two Weetabix, two slices of thinly sliced ham, two poached eggs and two tablespoons of hollandaise sauce.

Weetabix said its recipe put a British twist on a classically American dish, swapping the muffin for the healthier cereal, but the suggestion did not seem to go down too well…

Though, it has to be said, some cereal fans seemed to have warmed to the idea.

Weetabix said the serving suggestion was aimed toward the more adventurous eater and there were plenty more recipes up their sleeves to cater to simpler palate.