
Silverbridge GFC Mother and Others football team walking their way to support end of life care

Ciara Casey, Catherine Brito, Julie-Ann Reel, Sinead Murphy, Tracy Collins and Siobhan Connolly from Silverbridge GFC Mothers and Others
Ciara Casey, Catherine Brito, Julie-Ann Reel, Sinead Murphy, Tracy Collins and Siobhan Connolly from Silverbridge GFC Mothers and Others

It’s nine years since Co Armagh woman Siobhan Connolly lost her mother but she and her family have never forgotten the compassionate care their mother received at home from Marie Curie nurses.

Tonight, together with other members and supporters of the Mothers and Others team from Silverbridge GFC, they will stage a Twilight Walk Your Way event in aid of the end of life charity.

The group will walk with commemorative lanterns dedicated to lost loved ones up to the Mass rock in Carrive Forest Park where they will take a few minutes to remember family members and friends.

The Carrive Mass Rock, South Armagh
The Carrive Mass Rock, South Armagh

Siobhan recalls the care and support both her mother Annie Reel, and the entire family, received from Marie Carie before her passing in September 2014 to cancer.

“It came as a real shock as we did not know just how bad mummy was. She was the type of person never to admit how bad she felt.

“As soon as we got mummy home from the Marie Curie was there for us, looking after us, holding our hands and reassuring us we were doing the right thing and making sure we knew what to do. They were amazing, they were angels and made sure Mummy was not in pain. They supported us in the darkest of times.”

Her beloved father Steve, who had Parkinson’s, and who had been cared for by their mother for years, was also cared for by Marie Curie nurses in the aftermath of her death.

Fundraising is as much viewed as part and parcel of being a member of the Mothers and Others team and the members see themselves as a vital part of Silverbridge GFC.

“We feel like by playing ourselves we are inspiring our children who also play, who in turn also inspire us. It’s not really a competitive thing, it’s just really a fun thing to do and we support our club massively for any of our fundraising activities.

“Marie Curie is very close to my heart and I was amazed by how many of the other team members knew of Marie Curie or had direct experience of someone in their family needing end of life care,” adds Siobhan.

The event at Carrive Rock tonight at 8pm, is just one of a number of Marie Curie Twilight walks taking place tonight to raise much needed funds for the charity who provide end of life care, fund research and campaign for better services and support for people with terminal illness and their families.

You can register this evening to take part in the event at Belfast’s Barnett Demesne tonight at 7pm. This year's 7km circular route starts and ends at Belfast Activity Centre. There will be a festival atmosphere with music, entertainment and a spectacular firework finish. 

Ciara Gallagher, Head of Fundraising for Marie Curie in Northern Ireland, thanked the Silverbridge GFC Mothers and Others for organising the walk.

“This is really what Twilight Walk Your Way is really about, local communities coming together to remember those who have died and support Marie Curie’s Work. “

Every £23 raised could fund another hour of expert care and emotional support for someone living with a terminal illness, in the comfort of their own home. We also provide bereavement counselling and run an Information and Support service along with our helpline 0800 0902309.

To support the Silverbridge Mothers and Others Twilight Walk Your Way For further information on Marie Curie visit