
Drinking coffee boosts your bones?... If you’re a woman

Drinking coffee is good for your bones - if you're a woman in her 30s, that is
Drinking coffee is good for your bones - if you're a woman in her 30s, that is

DRINKING coffee may make young women’s bones stronger. New research, based on 7,000 people aged between 20 and 50, found the more coffee women in their 30s drank, the greater their bone density.

The opposite was true for men in their 40s, the study in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology found.

Bone density naturally declines with age — taking steps to reduce this decline is important because low bone density is linked to osteoporosis, a progressive disease that increases the risk of fractures.

The researchers from Nanjing University in China say caffeine may have a beneficial effect on calcium production — but why only women benefited is unclear.

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