
Peter Coonan: It's worth testing yourself, rather than taking the easy route

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: IFTA nominated actor, Peter Coonan


Up and at it - what is your morning routine? Has it changed?

My morning routine is to get up, if I've time, have a shower, and get the kids ready for school. It really hasn't changed much at all, lockdown or no lockdown.


What might you eat in a typical working day for...Breakfast?

Sometimes I'll skip breakfast if I'm doing intermittent fasting, which I've been doing for quite some time now. If I have the freedom to eat whatever I want, then I'd certainly be having eggs in the morning – poached eggs with smoked salmon, maybe, or bacon if I'm feeling like I need a treat.


For lunch I would have some form of a salad with protein.

Evening meal?

On a typical working day, for my evening meal I would have a bit of fish or a steak - although I'm trying to eat less red meat at the moment.


Have you been able to work from home - if so, how have you found it?

I have been able to work from home and I've found it difficult because I don't really have the space to work, so I end up sitting on my bed. During lockdown, it was difficult because coffee shops were closed for the initial part and I feel, from the creative standpoint, that you need to get out of the house to be able to find some creative flow. Just getting out of your comfort zone is important because you know there's a comfy couch downstairs or you know the kids are downstairs and you end up playing with them, or whatever else that inevitably happens. So, I have been able to work from home, but it has been difficult at times.


Best/easiest lockdown meal?

Best and easiest lockdown meal was when I made a big ham at the start of the week, then the next day, between sandwiches and spaghetti carbonara, was pretty easy and straightforward.


Weekend treat?

Weekend treat would be a burger and a place in Dublin that does my favourite burger.


How have you kept mentally fit?

I suppose, if I have the chance during the day, I might go down and do some breathing exercises and some yoga, but sometimes you're not given the chance with the busy life and work schedule that I have. But I do try. I notice when I don't and that's very honestly the truth.


Is sport/exercise part of your routine?

I do fall in and out of it at times and, to be honest, I haven't done anything for six or seven weeks because I've been on a set. And then, after Christmas with Covid and various reasons, I just didn't get back into the gym.


How do you relax?

I relax by watching a film or a series on the couch with my 'other half'.


Teetotal or tipple?



What book are you currently reading?

The book I'm currently reading is called The Witness by Nicola Tallant and tells the story of Joey 'The Lips' O'Callaghan - a heart-wrenching tale.


Best Netflix?

That's a tough one to choose - probably Breaking Bad.


Most surprising thing you've learned about yourself?

If I test myself, then it's often to extremes... it's worth it to test yourself rather than take the easy route and I suppose that's surprising to me.


On a scale of one to 10, where have you been in relation to cabin fever and where are you now?

I don't have cabin fever. I never really have.


What are the three things you missed most during the beginning of lockdown?

Good coffee, spending time with my dad and being able to go for a nice meal. And maybe the kids being in school for a while...


Where will you go and what will you do when restrictions are fully lifted?

I'll go for a slap-up meal with the family. And try to give something to people who need it more than I do.


Biggest gripe?

Biggest gripe is when you let people out in the car or open a door for people and they don't thank you.


Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

Yes, I suppose, with family it has. You expect it to change slightly with family, in that it's important. And we have far more than we think we need.


Any new skills or hobbies?

Padel tennis - I took up a game called padel which was quite exciting. It's a Spanish game, kind of a mixture between squash and tennis.


What would you like to see change for good when this is all over?

I would like to think that we would remember that greed is something that we all felt was seeping into our lives far too easily and, as I said previously, many of us in this world have far more than we think we need and need less than we think we want. So I think, be happy with your lot and give more to others. We find ourselves in the midst of a global crisis and now a war, a European war at the moment, but God knows where it could end. Hopefully now we can see that there are people far worse off than us and it's more considerate to help them.


Has coronavirus changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

The honest answer is no, but it has changed towards my parents and partner's parents. That means trying to spend more time with family and creating more memories with family – that has become even more important than it previously was.

Peter Coonan, of RTE's Love/Hate fame, stars in Irish language thriller, Doineann, shot entirely in Northern Ireland and now available on BBC iPlayer. Peter is also starring in the new series of Peaky Blinders.