
Ask the dentist: Facing up to the Zoom and gloom of lockdown's stresses

Dentists are increasingly offering skin treatments to tackle wrinkles and imperfections. Lucy Stock of Gentle Dental Care in Belfast says the latest generation of products can help tackle 'lockdown face'

Some women have reported having 'lockdown face' and noticed more wrinkles, says dentist Lucy Stock
Some women have reported having 'lockdown face' and noticed more wrinkles, says dentist Lucy Stock

HAS lockdown unleashed your creative juices or pushed you into a state of mental constipation?

Are you rippling your toned six pack or lamenting over another fat bulge?

Apparently, for over a quarter of women the reality is that they are noticing the appearance of crinkles on their wrinkles, generating yucky feelings because they think they look five years older than they actually are...

Lockdown stresses and unflattering Zoom angles have caused a boom in people seeking treatments to reverse the facial strain.

This discovery of 'lockdown face' was uncovered by research by Glowday, an online search forum for aesthetic practitioners.

It found that whilst fillers and toxin treatments gave a sense of confidence to 22 per cent of participants, there was apprehension from more people, with 38 per cent unsure how safe treatments were.

It is unsurprising that people want predictable facial aesthetic results. No one wants to have a botched treatment and suffer from complications.

The clinicians feel the same - we want to make people look good with the minimum risk. The aesthetic products are galloping towards these goals all the time.

The latest generation of products have advanced so much that they don't neatly fit into either of the filler or toxin category - they are more like 'Miracle-Gro' for your skin.

One such product is Sunekos. This is a liquid injected under the skin to smooth out wrinkles, scars and stretch marks.

This clever liquid is a cocktail of hyaluronic acid and amino acids, so when it is put into the skin it activates the body's cells to produce its own collagen and elastin.

This reduces the appearance of lines and the texture of the skin improves with the activation of increased hydration.

The improvements last for at least six months, at which time the treatment can be topped up.

It is great for dark circles under the eyes and can also target the crepey skin of the neck and hands which are real age definers.

This type of product would be great for many men who want to avoid the 'done' look but still want to look more youthful.

The thing that clinicians like about this product is that its less problematic than regular fillers, with fewer complications of skin damage, making it a big win for patients.