
Bright & Light is an alternative to trick or treat

The dark side of Halloween can be countered with bright and light, says the Rev Charles McMullen

Bright & Light offers an alternative to the traditional Halloween 'trick or treat'
Bright & Light offers an alternative to the traditional Halloween 'trick or treat'

HALLOWEEN always leaves me distinctly uneasy or uncomfortable and I'm relieved when it is over.

In recent years its merchandise has become much more prominent in the shops with garish displays of ghosts and ghouls, witches and wizards, skulls and skeletons. But should we go along with it in any shape or form?

Evidence from some of our younger children suggests that at least some of them find themselves frightened and disturbed.

For Christian parents there are dilemmas about whether or not to send their children to 'scary' dress parties at schools or friends' houses. Do they accept the invitation and not allow their children to dress as vampires, or politely decline altogether?

If the latter, we can so easily come across as negative, narrow-minded, judgmental or condemnatory; as Christian spoilsports.

Paul, in his letter to the Romans (12:2), reminds us not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mould.

Interfacing with cultural and societal norms in today's world also brings us our share of issues and problems as followers of Jesus Christ. Another question is whether or not we can offer a radical alternative?

This is something that we have attempted to address in Bangor West Presbyterian Church, where 'trick or treat' has become 'Bright & Light'.

Rather than give credence to the forces of darkness, we run an event concentrating on Jesus being the light of the world: "Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12); "You are the light of the world... Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5).

Bright & Light has already become an important part of our outreach at West Church, an unapologetically Christian focus on Halloween.

We invite children to dress in colourful costumes as their superheroes and not to come in anything dark or foreboding.

It is very much designed as an all-age activity with parents, siblings and grandparents participating together.

We have lots of laughter, bright colours, candle crafts, twinkling treats, crazy games, glow stick dancers and, to finish it all off, a catwalk parade.

One of our more innovative ideas has been carving out a pumpkin as a presentation of the gospel.

Numbers have grown to around 100 and what has been particularly interesting has been that we have attracted quite a few people from the periphery of the congregation and beyond.

We are intentional about interacting with people and ensure that nobody is left on his or her own. We seek to engage with new families and make introductions, wherever we can.

Prayer cover is, of course, vital and a prayer team meets while the event is taking place.

Bright & Light - an attempt to reach out to our surrounding community with the good news of Jesus Christ designed to rescue people from darkness into light.

Pumpkin Prayer

Dear Jesus,

Open my mind so that I can learn about You (take the top off the pumpkin);

Take all my sin and forgive the wrong that I do (lift out the seeds inside).

Open my eyes so Your love I will see (remove cut eyes shaped like hearts);

I'm sorry for times I've turned up my nose at what You've given to me (remove nose in the shape of a cross).

Open my ears so Your word I will hear (remove ears shaped like a Bible);

Open my mouth to tell others You're near (remove mouth).

Let Your light shine in all I say and do (place glow bulb inside).

:: Bright & Light takes place at West Church, Rathmore Road, Bangor at 6pm tomorrow. The Rev Charles McMullen is the Presbyterian congregation's minister. A version of this article appeared in Reach Out. More information at