
Co Down healthy duck feeder experiment hailed a success

Errol Bailie, Mayor Jennifer Gilmour, And Victoria Primary School students. Picture by Ian Pedlow
Errol Bailie, Mayor Jennifer Gilmour, And Victoria Primary School students. Picture by Ian Pedlow

A new duck feeder installed in Newtownards by Ards and North Down Borough Council has already been used more than 500 times since its installation at the end of August.

Located at Kiltonga Nature Reserve’s Duck Pond, the feeder helps visitors feed the ducks with food that will improve their health while also reducing the excess amount of foreign food in the area, helping to deter vermin. The duck feeder is located adjacent to the Duck Pond car park.

Ducks need a varied diet to be healthy, something that isn’t offered by bread which is frequently the choice of food offered by passers-by. Bread has little nutritional value and can fill a duck’s stomach so that it doesn’t forage for food that it would normally eat, sometimes leading to malnutrition.

The feeder is made from recycled plastics and runs on 100 percent solar power. A portion of feed costs £1, payable by debit card, and 10 percent of proceeds will be donated back to the community to fund environmental initiatives at Kiltonga.

The Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor Jennifer Gilmour, said: “The feeder has proved to be very popular since its installation. It provides quality, nutritious feed that is healthy for local wildlife and helps to reduce the amount of overfeeding. The feed is dispensed to hand so it can help reduce plastic litter waste too, and anyone who uses the feeder is also supporting future environmental initiatives at Kiltonga.”

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