
Search is on for Darlings of panto at Belfast's Grand Opera House

Local children are invited to audition for the Grand Opera House Christmas pantomime
Local children are invited to audition for the Grand Opera House Christmas pantomime

PANTO season is fast approaching and if you have a son, grandson or nephew who is a budding thespian they could be taking centre stage in this year's Grand Opera House pantomime.

Open auditions for the roles of John and Michael Darling in Peter Pan will take place on Saturday September 9. To audition, the minimum age for both roles is 8 years old, be no more than 4’6” tall for the role of Michael and no more than 4’8” tall for John.

The successful boys must be available for rehearsals and performances throughout the pantomime's six week run from December 2 to January 14. For the audition a monologue, poem or rhyme should be prepared to present and auditionees may be required to read a short excerpt from the script.

"This is a terrific opportunity for four young people to join the cast of Peter Pan on the iconic Grand Opera House and to star alongside the Queen of pantomime May McFettridge, and Coronation Street’s Claire King. We have two roles available, those of Wendy's brothers Michael and John, and we will be looking for two boys to play each of the parts in rotation throughout the pantomime run," says Jonathan Kiley, executive producer of Peter Pan.

:: For further details and to download a registration form, which should be returned to the theatre no later than Wednesday September 6 at 5pm, go to