
BEST OF THE BUNCH: Smoke Bush (Cotinus)

Smoke bush
Smoke bush

THIS deciduous tree-like shrub offers a cloud of tiny purple-pink flowers in late summer, which is where the name 'smoke bush' comes from, but it's an all-round winner for much of the year because of its impressive oval purple leaves which turn a brilliant red in late autumn. The plum-coloured smoke bush Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' makes an excellent backdrop for other flowering plants with contrasting colour blooms such as orange tulips. However, I think it's best grown as a showy specimen shrub to show off its haze of flowers in June and its brilliant leaf colour in autumn. The smoke bush will grow in any reasonable garden soil, but prefers full sun. Remove unwanted branches in spring.


:: Plant tulip bulbs in November to give them a better chance of avoiding catching the fungal disease tulip fire

:: Pot up hippeastrums (amaryllis) if you want them in flower for Christmas

:: Protect slightly tender herbaceous plants like penstemons from frost by placing bracken or straw over them, held in place with netting, or a layer of mulch such as leafmould or bark chippings

:: If you live in a cold part of the country, leave some old growth on flowering plants to protect them from the worst frosts

:: Cut back grasses which are not ornamental in winter

:: Plant bare-rooted trees, shrubs and climbers if soil conditions allow

:: Continue to rake fallen leaves to stop disease and pests from taking refuge under them

:: Clean and store gardening equipment such as metal tools and bamboo canes

:: Stop secateurs from rusting by smearing lubricant on to the bevelled edge and rubbing it gently with a scourer

:: Start winter pruning of established apple and pear trees