
Gardening: Best of the bunch for autumn gardens – Miscanthus

Miscanthus are an ornamental plant which look great in autumn
Miscanthus are an ornamental plant which look great in autumn

ORNAMENTAL grasses come into their own at this time of year and miscanthus is among the best, forming a large clump of arching mid green leaves – and in autumn upright stems appear bearing silvery flowerheads. It grows best in full sun in fairly fertile, moist but well-drained soil. The flowerheads can be left to create movement and structure in winter but should be cut down to ground level in early spring. Established clumps can be divided to increase stock in spring. Good varieties include M. sinensis 'Silberfeder'.and 'Grosse Fontaine', also known as 'Big Fountain', which grows to 2m (6ft). These grasses are popular for prairie and gravel planting and some, such as 'Undine', have good orange autumn colour.


:: Cut the grass if the weather remains warm and dry, and trim the edges.

:: Cut down all dead flower stems on herbaceous perennials and tidy borders to remove foliage and plant remains, compost this material. Leave late-flowering perennials.

:: Sow a row of hardy peas and cover with cloches. Broad beans can also be sown now.

:: Remove old vegetable crops, clear the ground and dig compost or manure into the soil. Leave heavy soil rough-dug so frost can penetrate to help break it down.

:: Lift dahlia tubers when the foliage has been blackened by frost.

:: Throw a net over a branch bearing holly berries to stop the birds pecking at them.

:: Bring potted late-flowering chrysanthemums under glass before frost strikes

:: Wrap grease bands around the trunks of apple, plum and cherry trees to catch the winter moth as she climbs to lay her eggs.

:: Rake and scarify lawns to remove thatch and other debris.

:: Continue to take hardwood cuttings of roses and shrubs like cornus, buddleia and ribes.