
Things to do this Week

1 Prune spring-flowering shrubs over three years old as they finish flowering

2 sow sweet peas directly into their flowering position

3 sprout maincrop potatoes and plant sprouted tubers of early varieties

4 sow and plant out vegetables including beetroot, broad beans, carrots, celeriac, onions, peas, spinach and swedes

5 sow seeds of tomatoes in a heated propagator or on a warm windowsill to

grow outdoors when all danger of frost has passed

6 Tidy up ivy growing on walls, using shears

7 Clear remaining crops such as leek and celery, so the ground can be prepared for

new ones

8 Keep the kids amused by sowing some giant sunflowers with them, under glass or outdoors when conditions allow

9 Give roses a top dressing of fertiliser and thin early sowings of lettuce