
Coronavirus: Nearly 16,000 sign up to volunteer in health service

Robin Swann said people are responding to the HSC appeal at an "amazing rate"
Robin Swann said people are responding to the HSC appeal at an "amazing rate"

Health Minister Robin Swann has revealed the drive to attract volunteers to boost the number of healthcare workers during the coronavirus crisis has received nearly 15,895 responses.

Mr Swann said the workforce appeal had led to 15,895 expressions of interest, with 937 formal applications.

"230 applicants are already either appointed or pending appointment and many others will follow," he said.

The appeal went live last month and in the first 24 hours, 4,031 people registered an interest, including 931 clinical staff.

The Health and Social Care Trusts are seeking expressions of interest from clinicians and social care workers not already working in Northern Ireland or who have not been contacted as part of the final year medical, nursing, allied health and social care student recruitment programme.

They are also seeking non-healthcare workers to fill a range of vacancies with paid employment including porters, catering staff, cleaning and domestic services staff, laundry staff, ICT professionals, finance and payroll, call handlers, drivers, electricians, plumbers, joiners, warehousing, maintenance staff and more.

Speaking about the initial response to the campaign, Mr Swann said: “I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has registered their interest and also express my gratitude to those involved in this campaign.

"It will make a huge difference.

“It is truly heartening to see so many people across Northern Ireland backing the fightback against Covid-19 in so many different ways.”

Click here for more information on the HSC Workforce Appeal