


ONLINE retailer Amazon says it has invested more than £100 million and created more than 100 full and part-time jobs in Northern Ireland since 2010.

Its UK-wide economic impact hub breaks down economic data on the number of regional independent small businesses supported by the company, the level of economic activity driven by Amazon’s investments, and the export sales recorded in the last years.

It says that in Northern Ireland, there are more than 1,200 small and medium-sized businesses selling on Amazon as independent selling partners.

Jim Press, senior operations manager at the Amazon delivery station in Belfast, said: “Amazon is a proud member of the community in Northern Ireland and makes a positive contribution to the regional economy.

“We help more than 1,200 small businesses here to sell on Amazon and reach customers around the world, and we also continue to support community organisations through donations and volunteering.”

Overall, Amazon says it has created more than 25,000 new permanent roles across the UK in 2021 - and another 4,000 in 2022 - taking its total permanent workforce to more than 75,000.

Since 2010, it says it has made direct investments in its UK operations of more than £43 billion.

And independent economic consultancy Keystone estimates that Amazon’s investments contributed £36 billion to the UK’s GDP over the last decade.