
Belfast-based Angoka part of 'game-changing' teleoperated driving demo

The Project Encode demonstration saw two vans operated simultaneously from a control station in Oxford.
The Project Encode demonstration saw two vans operated simultaneously from a control station in Oxford.

BELFAST-based cybersecurity firm Angoka has announced the successful deployment of two 'cybersecure teleoperated vehicles' on open roads in England.

The company, which specializes in deflecting cyber attacks on autonomous vehicles, took part in the demonstration at a live showcase event in London and Oxford.

Teleoperation is the technical term for the operation of machinery or systems from a distance.

Angoka, which established its headquarters in Belfast two years ago, said it marked a “historic turning point” in the commercial opportunities for using secure teleoperated vehicles in supply chain logistics.

The demonstration involved two Nissan E NV200 vans in London and Oxford controlled from a hub in Oxford, which successfully deflected a series of simulated hacks and cyber attacks.

Angoka’s participation in Project Encode, saw the Belfast company spend six months working with StreetDrone, Coventry University, TRL, Smart Mobility Living Lab:London and Oxfordshire County Council.

One of the Nissan E NV200 vans used for the remote demo.
One of the Nissan E NV200 vans used for the remote demo.

The industrial research project is funded by the UK’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), and aims to accelerate the commercial deployment of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology in urban transport networks.

Angoka said the successful deployment of the two vans demonstrates the commercial value of operating a teleoperated fleet of commercial vehicles safely and efficiently.

The firm’s co-founder and chief executive, Yuri Andersson, said: “Teleoperation has the potential to transform the logistics industry by radically reducing costs and increasing productivity.

“However, this will only happen if the new technology is completely secure. Today, Angoka has demonstrated that secure teleoperation of logistics vehicles is a reality.

“By creating trust in the communication, we are overcoming one of the most important barriers to adoption of this vital new technology.”